Photoshoot for Finnish queer club Lucky Juce featuring a cast of notorious drag queens and club kids.
What I did: Art Direction, DOP, Production
Photography: Anni Laivoranta
Styling: Autuas Ukkonen
Styling Assistant: Tommi Nikkola

︎︎︎ Coat by Henna Lampinen, Anni Salonen, Jha Vehmaanperä. Headband by I. Kamari. Gloves by Jenny Hytönen, Leevi Ikäheimo, Janette Laakso

︎︎︎ Outift by Jarno Kettunen

︎︎︎ Clothing and shoes by Jim Bergström, Sophia Linden, Meri Malminen, Tiina Nissilä

︎︎︎ Shirt and shorts by Juha Vehmaanperä. Shoes by I. Kamari. Earrings by Autuas Ukkonen

︎︎︎Shirt by Arttu Åfeldt & Meri Kurki-Suonio. Pom-pom headband by Autuas Ukkonen.